I-Flair Property Maintenance Framework Agreement 2020-2024 I-Flair is a consortium of housing associations in East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire. 10 Lots. It is the intention of i-Flair to hold ‘Meet the Buyer’ and ‘Contractor Workshop’ Events during the tender period. United Kingdom-Paisley: Construction work 2020/S 080-189744 Contract notice Works Legal Basis: Directive 2014/24/EU Section I: Contracting authority I.1)Name and addresses Official name: I-Flair Postal address: c/o Ferguslie Park Housing Association, The Tannahill Centre, 76 Blackstoun Road Town: Paisley NUTS code: UKM83 Postal code: PA3 1NT Country: United Kingdom Contact person: Ivor McCauley E-mail: ivormccauley@fpha.org.uk Telephone: +44 1418475225 Internet address(es):Main address: http://www.iflair.co.uk I.1)Name and
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